American Academy For Yoga in Medicine


Yoga To Escape Anxiety

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety have become commonplace, many individuals seek solace in practices like yoga to find a sense of calm and balance. Yoga, an ancient discipline originating from India, encompasses various physical postures, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and meditation practices. Its holistic approach not only enhances physical fitness but also […]

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Mind over Matter: The Yogic Journey to Mastering the Self

In the labyrinth of human consciousness, a thread consistently weaves through the narrative of personal growth and spirituality: the theme of ‘Mind over Matter.’ This concept suggests that one can transcend the body’s physical constraints and the mind’s tumultuous emotions with enough discipline and self-awareness. This profound understanding is elegantly encapsulated in the practice of

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Mindfulness: The Key to Unshackling the Bonds of the Mind

At the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern psychology lies a profound understanding of the human mind’s role in our liberation and self-imposed bondage. Teachings drawn from venerable texts such as the Bhagavad Gita resonate with stunning clarity in our contemporary pursuit of well-being. As elucidated in the Sanskrit shloka, “Mana Eva Manushyanam Karanam Bandha

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Unveiling the Core of Yoga: An Exploration of the Samadhi Pada – Part 1 verse 1- 5

Unveiling the Core of Yoga: An Exploration of the Samadhi Pada The ancient text of the Yoga Sutras, authored by the sage Patanjali, commences with a profound section known as Samadhi Pada. This chapter lays the foundational principles of yoga, serving as a compass for those on the spiritual path. A series of aphorisms, or

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Mindfulness: The Key to Unshackling the Bonds of the Mind

At the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern psychology lies a profound understanding of the human mind’s role in our liberation and self-imposed bondage. Teachings drawn from venerable texts such as the Bhagavad Gita resonate with stunning clarity in our contemporary pursuit of well-being. As elucidated in the Sanskrit shloka, “Mana Eva Manushyanam Karanam Bandha

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Unlocking the Mysteries of Kundalini Yoga: A Journey Through the Chakras

In the vast expanse of spiritual practices that enrich our lives, Kundalini Yoga stands out as a profound journey into the self, intertwining yoga’s ancient wisdom with the chakras’ transformative power. Often referred to as the “yoga of awareness,” Kundalini Yoga is more than just a series of poses; it’s a pathway to awakening the

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The Comprehensive Guide to Yoga for Managing Diabetes: Top 8 Poses and Their Benefits

As a holistic practice, yoga has been recognized for its benefits in managing chronic conditions, including diabetes. It offers a natural way to help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce stress, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Through mindful movement, breathing exercises, and meditation, yoga can be a valuable component of a comprehensive diabetes management plan. Below

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Navigating Neuropathy: 6 Yoga Poses to Aid in Nerve Health and Comfort

Neuropathy, a condition characterized by nerve damage that often results in pain, numbness, and weakness, can significantly affect one’s quality of life. With its holistic approach to well-being, yoga can be a gentle yet effective way to manage neuropathy symptoms. Incorporating specific yoga poses into one’s routine can encourage blood flow, reduce discomfort, and support

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Top 7 Yoga Asanas for Managing ADHD in Children and Adults

Yoga, with its emphasis on mindful movement and breathing, offers a compelling approach to managing ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in both children and adults. Its practices promote tranquility, improve concentration, and help mitigate hyperactivity and impulsivity, making it a valuable complementary strategy for those seeking to manage ADHD symptoms. Below is a curated list

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5 Transformative Yoga Practices for Individuals with Disabilities

Yoga, an ancient practice rooted in fostering harmony between the mind and body, can be a powerful tool for individuals with disabilities. It offers pathways to enhance physical mobility, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. The Adaptive and Accessible Yoga Movement (AAYM) champions this inclusive approach, ensuring yoga’s benefits are accessible to all. Here, we explore

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