American Academy For Yoga in Medicine

Hormonal Diet Plan for Yoga: A Nutrient-Rich Meal Guide


Embarking on a Hormonal Diet journey often conjures up images of restrictive eating and calorie counting. However, a holistic approach to Hormonal Diet focuses on nourishing the body with the right nutrients while promoting overall well-being. In this blog, we unveil a day's worth of meals designed to foster Hormonal Diet , enhance vitality, and support a healthy lifestyle.

Early Morning (7:00 AM – Choose one):
  • 1 cup Herbal green tea
  • Cumin + basil seed water (helps lower your hypertension)
  • Chia seed water
  • Aloe vera juice
  • Amla juice
Amla juice Breakfast (8:00 AM – Choose one):
  • 2 medium-sized Besan cheela with 2 tbsp coconut chutney
  • 1 Katori Peanut and pea poha
  • 1 Katori Sooji upma
  • 1 medium Veg paneer sandwich
  • 1 Katori Veg vermicelli with curd
Lunch (12:00 PM – Choose one set with any one option in vegetable): (Note: Try to avoid salt as much as possible and include more tomatoes, beetroot, and leafy vegetables.)
  • Chapati
  • Dal (Moong/Urad)
  • Sabji (Choose one: kala chana sabji, cauliflower, palak, soya)
  • Salad/Curd (Choose one: ajwain curd, cucumber raita, orange, carrot)
Evening Snacks (4:00 PM – Choose one): (Sprinkle some cinnamon powder on all of them.)
  • Fruit plate
  • Salad plate
  • ½ Katori Roasted or soaked nuts
  • 1 cup Coconut + orange juice
Dinner (Choose one):
  • 1 Katori Peas Daliya
  • 1 Katori Khichdi
  • 1 Katori Dal soup + sautéed vegetable
  • 20g Sautéed paneer with oats
Late Night:
  • Mix punarnava (one part), passion flower (one part), and hawthorn berry (two parts) and drink this every night to control your hypertension.

Adopting a fat loss diet isn't just about shedding pounds; it’s a holistic pivot towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. This diet plan offers variety, taste, and all the nutritional building blocks your body needs to let go of excess weight naturally.

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