American Academy For Yoga in Medicine


Harmony in Motion: Embracing the Joyful Dance of Yoga and Meditation

Ever find yourself in a yoga class, holding a pose, focusing on your breath, and thinking to yourself, ‘Isn’t this similar to meditation?’ Or maybe you’ve been in a meditation session, sitting in a lotus position, and realized it feels a lot like a yoga posture. It’s a common occurrence. The lines between yoga and […]

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Explore Yoga Sūtras 33-37: Techniques for Mental Stability & Peace

Introduction Explore transformative techniques from the Yoga Sūtras, verses 33 to 37, that guide the stabilization and purification of the mind. These verses offer profound practices focusing on emotional balance, breath control, focused concentration, and spiritual illumination. Yoga Sūtra Verse 33: Cultivating Serenity through Emotional States Sanskrit : Maitrī karuṇā muditā upekṣaṇam sukha duḥkha puṇya

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The Yogic Diet necessity for Energy, Vitality, and Inner Peace

Welcome to the transformative world of the yogic diet—a lifestyle that goes beyond mere sustenance to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. In this article, we’ll explore the profound benefits of the yogic diet, delve into its guiding principles, and share some delicious recipes to help you embark on your journey to increased energy, vitality,

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Understanding Yoga Sūtras Verses 28-32: Overcoming Mental Obstacles

Introduction Explore critical verses from the Yoga Sūtras, which provide insights into the practice and philosophy of yoga. These verses teach us to overcome internal obstacles and deepen our meditation through discipline and focused repetition. Yoga Sūtra Verse 28: The Power of Repetition Sanskrit : Tajjapaḥ tadarthabhāvanam Translation : That sound is repeated and murmured

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The Self-Discovery and Union of the 4 Paths of Yoga

Vedanta, the ancient philosophy, teaches us that our suffering stems from a lack of self-awareness, attachment to impermanent things, aversion to what is not real, identification with the ego, and fear of death. However, it also provides profound solutions to overcome these causes, guiding us towards a life of freedom and fulfillment. Yoga, often misunderstood

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Mind over Matter: The Yogic Journey to Mastering the Self

Mind over Matter: The Yogic Journey to Mastering the Self In the labyrinth of human consciousness, a thread consistently weaves through the narrative of personal growth and spirituality: the theme of ‘Mind over Matter.’ This concept suggests that one can transcend the body’s physical constraints and the mind’s tumultuous emotions with enough discipline and self-awareness.

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Deep Insights into Yoga Sūtras 22-27: Understanding Practice Intensity and Divine Focus

Verse 22: The Levels of Practice Sanskrit : Mṛdu madhya adhimātratvāt tataḥ api viśeṣaḥ Translation : The distinction in practice emerges from its intensity, whether mild, moderate, or intense. Explanation: This verse discusses how yoga practice’s outcomes vary based on intensity. The dedication and effort a practitioner puts into their practice can lead to different

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