American Academy For Yoga in Medicine


Boost Your Immunity with Yoga: Evidence-Based Poses for Wellness

Maintaining a robust immune system is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced world While proper nutrition and hygiene play vital roles, incorporating yoga into your routine can also significantly enhance your body’s natural defenses. Scientific research has shown that certain yoga poses can help boost immunity by reducing stress, promoting circulation, and supporting overall

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Yoga Therapy for Autism: A Comprehensive Guide

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. While there is no cure for autism, various therapies and interventions can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with ASD. One such therapy gaining recognition for its holistic approach is yoga therapy. Understanding Autism

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Breaking Barriers: Confronting HIV/AIDS Resurgence

Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter, where we delve into pressing global health issues. In this edition, we shine a spotlight on the resurgence of HIV/AIDS, a formidable challenge that continues to impact communities worldwide. Despite decades of research and awareness efforts, recent trends indicate a concerning uptick in the prevalence and impact

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Exploring the Multifaceted Origins of Yoga Beyond Patanjali and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Exploring the Diverse Origins of Yoga: Beyond Patanjali and Hatha Yoga Yoga, an ancient practice with a rich tapestry of history, extends well beyond the foundational texts of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It encompasses a diverse array of philosophical frameworks, spiritual disciplines, and physical practices, each contributing to the evolution of

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Enhance Wellness with Yoga: Discover Its Holistic Health Benefits

Yoga as Medicine: The Physical and Psychological Health Benefits Explore how yoga serves as a holistic approach to improving physical and mental health, reducing stress, and fostering overall well-being. Yoga: A Path to Holistic Health Yoga transcends traditional exercise by harmonizing body and mind. This ancient practice, rooted in centuries of tradition, has evolved into

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