American Academy For Yoga in Medicine

Pre- Diabetic diet plan

Diets for Yoga

Pre- Diabetic diet plan


Embarking on a Pre- Diabetic diet plan journey often conjures up images of restrictive eating and calorie counting. However, a holistic approach to Pre- Diabetic diet plan focuses on nourishing the body with the right nutrients while promoting overall well-being. In this blog, we unveil a day's worth of meals designed to foster Pre- Diabetic diet plan, enhance vitality, and support a healthy lifestyle.

Power-Packed Breakfast Options (8:00 AM): A substantial, nutritious breakfast sets the tone for the day. Choose from:

  • Option 1: 1 small bowl of cooked oatmeal with skim milk (1/2 cup cooked oats, 1/2 cup skim milk)
  • Option 2: 2 small whole wheat idlis with sambhar and a small piece of coconut chutney
  • Option 3: 2 small whole wheat parathas with a small bowl of low-fat yogurt (1/2 cup)
  • Option 4: 2 slices of whole wheat bread with 2 boiled egg whites
  • Option 5: 1 small bowl of vegetable poha (1/2 cup cooked poha) with a glass of buttermilk (1 cup)

Mindful Midday Snack (10:00 PM): Lunch is crucial in a Pre- Diabetic diet plan; it should be hearty yet balanced.

  • Option 1: 10 almonds
  • Option 2: 1 small apple or orange
  • Option 3: 1 small banana
  • Option 4: 1 small bowl of mixed sprouts salad (1/2 cup)
  • Option 5: 1 small cup of green tea without sugar

Mindful Midday Meals (12:00 PM): Lunch is crucial in a Pre- Diabetic diet plan : Proper Portions for Wellness; it should be hearty yet balanced.

  • Option 1: 2 small whole wheat chapatis (or 1 cup cooked brown rice) with 1 cup of dal (lentils) or sambhar
  • Option 2: 1 small bowl of brown rice pulao (1/2 cup cooked rice) with mixed vegetable curry
  • Option 3: 1 small bowl of whole wheat pasta (1/2 cup cooked) with tomato-based sauce and grilled vegetables
  • Option 4: 1 small bowl of quinoa (1/2 cup cooked) with mixed vegetable curry
  • Option 5: 2 small bajra (pearl millet) rotis with 1 cup of spinach dal

Evening Snack (4:00PM): A light yet satisfying dinner promotes better digestion

  • Option 1: 1 small bowl of cucumber and carrot sticks with hummus (2 tablespoons)
  • Option 2: 1 small bowl of roasted chickpeas (1/4 cup)
  • Option 3: 1 small bowl of moong dal chilla (1 piece)
  • Option 4: 1 small bowl of roasted peanuts (1/4 cup)
  • Option 5: 1 small cup of buttermilk (1 cup)

Dinner (8:00PM): A light yet satisfying dinner promotes better digestion 

  • Option 1: 2 small whole wheat chapatis with 1 cup of mixed vegetable curry and 1 small bowl of cucumber-tomato salad
  • Option 2: 1 small bowl of methi (fenugreek leaves) paratha with 1 cup of raita (1/2 cup) and 1 small bowl of mixed vegetable curry
  • Option 3: 1 small bowl of khichdi made with moong dal and vegetables (1/2 cup) with 1 small bowl of curd
  • Option 4: 1 small bowl of bhindi masala with 1 small bowl of quinoa (1/2 cup)
  • Option 5: 2 small jowar (sorghum) rotis with 1 cup of palak paneer (spinach with cottage cheese)

Before Bed (10:00PM) Conclude your day with a calming herbal blend:

  • Option 1: 1 small cup of warm skim milk (1 cup)
  • Option 2: 1 small cup of herbal tea (without sugar) with a few almonds (5-6)
  • Option 3: 1 small apple or pear

Adopting a Pre- Diabetic diet plan isn't just about shedding pounds; it’s a holistic pivot towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. This diet plan offers variety, taste, and all the nutritional building blocks your body needs to let go of excess weight naturally.

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